Feeding a growing world population

Feeding a growing world population

A promising future for alternative plant proteins

Alternative plant proteins have a very promising future ahead. Product launches with plant-based claims have increased by 63% over the past five years. Likewise is the shift towards alternative protein sources and veganism/vegetarianism two of the top consumer trends for 2017. In this edition of the newsletter we will look at two upcoming alternative proteins in Barentz’ portfolio: water lentils and quinoa.

The expected growth of the world population to more than 9 billion people in 2050 puts an enormous pressure on the future food production system. As a result, the protein supply is critical. Plant proteins are considered more sustainable and more cost-effective than animal proteins. Partly replacing animal protein in existing products with new plant protein ingredients, or developing new plant protein-based products, is an effective approach in making more protein available for a larger part of the world population.

World-wide efforts are being made to increase the consumption of plant based proteins. One such example is “The Protein Challenge 2040”, a global coalition that since 2014 brings together the animal, plant and novel protein industries, as well as global environmental and health organisations. Their number 1 area of innovation is “Increasing the proportion of plant-based protein consumption with consumers”.

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