
Overcoming the Problem with Adulteration and Fraud in the Trading of Saffron Prized for centuries for its aroma and golden colour, saffron commands the highest price of any spice. It is...

A promising future for alternative plant proteins Alternative plant proteins have a very promising future ahead. Product launches with plant-based claims have increased by 63% over the past five years. Likewise is...

Taking today’s consumer trends into consideration can be decisive for a successful new formulation and product launch. Early in the process food manufacturers need to plan which front of pack...

Vientitoimintojen lisääntyessä olemme vahvistaneet organisaatiotamme kahdella uudella nimityksellä. Insinööri (AMK) Essi Sarrivaara on nimitetty asiakkuuspäälliköksi ja ETM Pekka Kahila tuotekehityspäälliköksi Euroopan alueen vientitoimintoihin....

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